
I work with adults ages 18-60. I utilize a collaborative approach with the understanding that though I may be an expert on medication management and psychological modalities, you are the expert on your life and needs, and your point of view is an integral part of the process.

I tend not to focus on the diagnosis. I focus on the symptoms that you are experiencing, and how those symptoms are impacting the way you feel and function in your job, relationships and other life domains. I also don’t focus solely on medication. I understand that though feeling and functioning better is a necessary step, it is just the first step. Learning to deal better with life’s challenges to reduce the risk of the symptoms reoccurring is also important. To that end I help my clients understand and encourage the use of cognitive, behavioral and mindfulness skills in addition to medication to help you better manage stressful moments and life events.

Ultimately, it’s about improving your overall quality of life. I understand that one’s mental well-being cannot be separated from one’s overall well-being. To that end I encourage and work with you to develop good sleep habits, better understand the beneficial effects of nutrition and physical activity on mood, understand the importance of stable, supportive relationships, as well as consistent self-care and other practices that contributes to one’s overall well-being.

When I’m not helping clients feel better, deal better with life challenges and increasing their overall well being, I am present and engaged in my own life. Some of my interests are sports, vegetable gardening, traveling, and photo journaling.