Mind Health & Life Coaching

It’s not uncommon to feel that life is “OK” but it could be better but you just can’t put your finger on exactly how. Life coaching is different from therapy in many ways but one of them is that clients who present for therapy are usually experiencing some sort of psychological pain or conflict and are looking for relief. Whereas those that present for life coaching usually present focused on what is possible for their life or a life domain (career, relationships, health, etc.) or how can they get their life (back) on track and are looking for accountability and someone to help guide them through this process.

I believe that those that live the best lives are those that live a life that truly reflects who they are and is full of the people, places and things that are important to them. My aim is to first help you gain clarity on your values and vision for your life or an aspect of your life, identify your motivation (your why) and then help you close the gap, so to speak, between where you are now and where you’d like to be.

If you think this type of professional assistance is more in line with what you need please contact me for a free consultation.